Exciting Library Events

Library Nights
What is a library night?
Join Mrs. Owens and the library staff throughout the school year for fun stories, crafts, and activities. Library nights are held one Thursday per month from 5-6:30 p.m. Usually our story is read around 5:45, but families are welcome to come and go as needed.
Why come to library nights?
This is an opportunity for parents to visit the library with their children and check out up to 5 books per Rees student. Books are checked out for two weeks and can be returned any time during the school day by a child or parent. Parents only need to raptor in to visit the library during the day.
Who is invited?
All Rees students and their families are welcome. We only ask that students be accompanied by an adult.
Upcoming Library Night Dates:
February 13th
March 6th
April 10th
May 15th - Late night at the Book Fair 4:00-6:30
Library Events
Virtual Bedtime Stories with Rees Library
Mondays @ 7pm
3/3/2025 Mimi and Shu, I'll Race You
3/24/2025 T-Rex Who Lost His Specs
3/31/2025 Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao
4/7/2025 The Wolf's Chicken Stew
-Please join the Rees Library for a bedtime read aloud on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM. Check your Library Activity Page Schoology course, Parent Square, or ask your teacher for the zoom link!
- Por favor acompañe a la biblioteca de Rees para un cuento antes de dormir los lunes a las 7:00 PM. Pregunta a tu maestra por el enlace del zoom.
Family Library Night - March 6th, 2025 5:00-6:30 PM